Creating a Type-Safe React Application with TypeScript using the Saleor GraphQL API

Roy Derks (@gethackteam)
Published in
14 min readMay 27, 2021


Using Saleor with React and TypeScript

This tutorial will show how to create a type-safe React application with TypeScript using the Saleor GraphQL API. Also, some basic styling will be added to this application using Bootstrap.


This tutorial will show how to create a type-safe React application with TypeScript using the Saleor GraphQL API. Also, some basic styling will be added to this application using Bootstrap.

With Saleor you can build e-commerce applications on top of their open-source, GraphQL-first e-commerce API. Saleor provides a platform delivering ultra-fast, dynamic, and personalized shopping experiences from their API, which you can connect and interact with from any (frontend) application. This application can be build using React or any other library or framework that you prefer to use. Also, you could use the Saleor PWA Storefront in case you don’t want to write any frontend code yourself.

When you do want to write frontend code yourself, using React would be a great choice. React is a JavaScript library to create user interfaces quickly, by writing components. Also, it comes with support for TypeScript and has a large ecosystem of libraries that you can use for more advanced use cases. Saleors’ API is based on GraphQL, a query language for APIs that makes it easy to query and mutate data. With GraphQL you can control what data will be returned by the API, and in which format it will be returned. Another nice advantage is that by using GraphQL you can tap into the React ecosystem of tools and libraries. An example of this will be shown in this tutorial, as you’ll be using GraphQL Code Generator to automatically create TypeScript types for a React application based on the GraphQL Schema that Saleor provides.


Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:

Creating a Basic React Application with TypeScript

With Create React App you can quickly start a new React project using the command:

npx create-react-app saleor-demo --template typescript

This will create a barebone React application with TypeScript support enabled in a directory called saleor-demo. In that directory, a lot of files have been created, that can be removed later in case they are not needed for this project. You can start the application from the saleor-react-ts directory by running the command:

yarn start

On the page https://localhost:3000 you can see the result, which is a landing page that welcomes you to this new React application.

Before you’ll continue expanding this application, let’s introspect the Saleor GraphQL API that will be used as the source of data for the application.

Fetching the Saleor GraphQL API

Let’s introspect the Saleor GraphQL API, which is available at On this page, you can find the GraphQL Playground for this API, which you can inspect by opening the “Docs” tab on the right side.

On the left side, you can send a GraphQL operation in the shape of a document to this GraphQL API. A document can best be described as a file containing a GraphQL operation (or multiple) which is either a query, mutation, or subscription.

The most used operation is a query and is comparable to a GET request for REST APIs. This operation retrieves data from a GraphQL API without mutating it. One of the queries that are available for the Saleor GraphQL API is the following one:

query getLatestProducts {
products(first: 5) {
edges {
node {

This query retrieves the last 5 products from the Saleor GraphQL API and returns the fields id, name, and description. Also, you can see the fields edges and nodes being retrieved, which are useful for the "Connections" pattern in GraphQL and Relay. In GraphQL there are two main libraries for data fetching, which are Relay and Apollo Client. In this tutorial, however, that concept won't be used as you'll use Apollo instead of Relay as a GraphQL Client because of a smoother learning curve.

Setup Apollo Client

GraphQL returns JSON data over HTTP, and therefore you’re free to use whatever method or library for data fetching that you’re familiar with. But as mentioned in the previous section, there are also libraries to help you do this. In this tutorial, such as Apollo Client that you’ll use in this tutorial.

Installing Apollo Client is easy, and can be done by running the command below:

yarn add @apollo/client graphql

The package @apollo/client contains everything you need to set up data fetching with Apollo Client like in-memory cache, error handling, and methods to query or mutate GraphQL.

Apollo Client is specifically useful for React applications, as it comes with a Hooks-based approach. To use these Hooks, you first need to create a client instance that has to configuration to connect with the Saleor GraphQL API. This client must be added to a component called ApolloProvider, that wraps the application with the connection to the GraphQL API. Usually, you wrap your application with this provider on the highest level possible, in this case src/index.tsx, so the GraphQL can be accessed throughout your entire application:

// src/index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client';
import { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/client';
import App from './App';

const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: '',
cache: new InMemoryCache(),

<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />

This approach is comparable to how the React Context API works.

With this, you’re able to start sending documents to the Saleor GraphQL API using Apollo Client!

Query Data using Apollo React Hooks

The application can now fetch data from the Saleor GraphQL API by sending documents to that API. Earlier you’ve already looked at some of the operations that were accepted by the API, such as a query to retrieve the first 5 products. You can add this query to a new file called config.tsx, in which you also need to import gql from Apollo:

// src/config.tsx
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';

export const GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS = gql`
query getLatestProducts {
products(first: 5) {
edges {
node {

This query should be used as input for an Apollo useQuery Hook, that returns three variables: loading, data, and error. These variables are pretty self-explanatory and can be used to define what you want to return from your React application.

The useQuery Hook can be imported from @apollo/client, and can be imported in a new file called Products.tsx in the src directory:

// src/Products.tsx
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client';
import { GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS } from './config';

function Products() {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<any>(GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS);

if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error :(</p>;

if (data) {
const latestProducts = data.products?.edges || [];

return (
{latestProducts?.length > 0 &&{ node: { id, name, description } }) => (
<div key={id}>

return null;

export default Products;

In this file, the query getLatestProducts is passed to the useQuery Hook and used to retrieve the last 5 products from the GraphQL API. The data that's returned is being destructed and rendered in the Products component. No type definitions have been added to this file yet, as these will be generated automatically later on in this tutorial using GraphQL Code Generator!

The useQuery Hook accepts a generic for the return type of the data that it's fetching which, as always in GraphQL, has the same shape as the GraphQL query. You can use the GraphQL Playground to check what the shape of the output is, in case you're in doubt. Afterward, add the new type LatestProduct in the Products component and add it to the Hook:

// src/Products.tsx


type Product = {
id: string;
name: string;
description: string;

type LatestProducts = {
products: {
edges: Array<{
node: Product;

function Products() {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<LatestProducts>(GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS);

// ...

To render this in the browser you need to alter the src/App.tsx file and replace its contents with the following:

// src/App.tsx
import Products from './Products';

function App() {
return (
<h1>Saleor React Application</h1>
<Products />

export default App;

The basic Create React Application starter page is no longer rendered, but instead, a list of 5 products is displayed.

You can spend a lot more time updating the styling of this application, but let’s save that for later and first add more difficulty to the application.

Filtering and Sorting Products

Displaying products is one thing, but from an e-commerce application, you’d expect more like filtering and sorting those products. All of this can be done from the Saleor GraphQL API, and you don’t even have to add additional API calls to the React application. By changing the query to retrieve the latest products a little, both filtering and sorting can be added to the application with little effort.

Let’s start with adding, the Saleor API lets you for example filter by keyword, price, and stock availability.

For this example you’ll be adding a search filter, which you can try out by going to the GraphQL Playground and enter the following query:

query getLatestProducts {
products(first: 5, filter: { search: "juice" }) {
edges {
node {

This query will not just retrieve the 5 latest products but retrieves the 5 latest products that contain the word “juice” it either its name or description.

From your React application this search filter can be added by changing the getLatestProducts query in src/config.tsx so it will take a variable called keyword and use it as a value for the parameter that adds the search filter:

// src/config.tsx
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';

export const GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS = gql`
query getLatestProducts($keyword: String) {
products(first: 5, filter: { search: $keyword }) {
edges {
node {
// ...

After which you can add this variable to the useQuery Hook, and use a default prop that is set on the Product component as its value. Also, don't forget to set the type of props for this component:

// src/Products.tsx

type ProductsProps = {
keyword?: string;

function Products({ keyword = 'juice' }: ProductsProps) {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery<LatestProducts>(GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS, {
variables: {

// ...

The prop keyword is now passed to the useQuery Hook and used as a variable for the query that retrieves the latest products. As this variable gets its value from the props for the Product component, which has "juice" as a default value, the application that runs at http://localhost:3000/ is now showing 5 products related to juice.

Of course, you want to set this value dynamically, so let’s create a search bar in the App component and use its input to retrieve the latest products:

// src/App.tsx
import { useState } from 'react';
import Products from './Products';
import SearchBar from './SearchBar';

function App() {
const [keyword, setKeyword] = useState('');

return (
<h1>Saleor React Application</h1>
<SearchBar setKeyword={setKeyword} />
<Products keyword={keyword} />

export default App;

The value for keyword is here put in a local state variable, using the useState Hook from React. The useState Hook returns both the local state variable, which is passed as a prop to the Products component, and a function to update that variable. This function is passed as a prop to a new component called SearchBar that has the following content:

// src/SearchBar.tsx
import { Dispatch, SetStateAction, useState } from 'react';

type SearchBarProps = {
setKeyword: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>;

function SearchBar({ setKeyword }: SearchBarProps) {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');

function onSubmit(e: React.FormEvent<EventTarget>) {


return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
onChange={(e) => setValue(e.currentTarget.value)}
<button type='submit'>

export default SearchBar;

In the SearchBar component above a form is being rendered, where the input element is a so-called controlled component. This controlled component maintains its state is updated every time the user changes the value of the input field. When the user submits the form the value of that input field will be passed to the setKeyword function that was passed as a prop.

From opening the application in the browser you can now see there’s a search bar added, which updates the lists of products that are displayed if you enter a keyword and submit the form.

Something similar could be applied for sorting the products. The Saleor API also has these capabilities built-in, for example, to sort by title or price.

Using GraphQL Code Generator to autogenerate type-safe components

This React application has been build using TypeScript, which adds enormous value as having a type-safe application reduces the number of potential bugs you ship to your customers. But as you saw in the earlier sections, adding these type definitions is time-consuming and requires you to check the shape of the GraphQL response.

With GraphQL Code Generator you can create type-safe code based on the schema automatically. This means you no longer have to write the type definitions yourself but can have the library do this for you.

To install this library, execute the following command:

yarn add -D @graphql-codegen/cli

This installs the CLI, which you can use to generate the TypeScript types and code. To start the CLI you can run the following:

yarn graphql-codegen init

By default the CLI expects you to use React with Apollo, and you can answer the questions with the following answers:

Welcome to GraphQL Code Generator!
Answer few questions and we will set up everything for you.? What type of application are you building? Application built with React
? Where is your schema?: (path or url)
? Where are your operations and fragments?: src/**/*.tsx
? Pick plugins: TypeScript (required by other typescript plugins), TypeScript Operations (operations and fragmen
ts), TypeScript React Apollo (typed components and HOCs)
? Where to write the output: src/generated/graphql.tsx
? Do you want to generate an introspection file? Yes
? How to name the config file? codegen.yml
? What script in package.json should run the codegen? generate

The CLI now takes the schema from the Saleor GraphQL API at to create type-safe components based on both the schema and the operations defined in the src/**/*.tsx files in the project. By running:

yarn && yarn generate

The libraries that GraphQL Code Generator needs are installed and the type-safe components are created in src/generated/graphql.tsx. In this file, types are created, but also type-safe Hooks for Apollo Client. You can import these in the Products component, which allows you to delete all the custom type definitions for Apollo Client and the import of the queries inside the src/config.tsx file:

// src/Products.tsx
import { useGetLatestProductsQuery } from './generated/graphql';

type ProductsProps = {
keyword?: string;

function Products({ keyword = 'juice' }: ProductsProps) {
const { loading, error, data } = useGetLatestProductsQuery({
variables: {
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error :(</p>;

if (data) {
const latestProducts = data.products?.edges || [];

return (
{latestProducts?.length > 0 &&{ node: { id, name, description } }) => (
<div key={id}>

return null;

export default Products;

In your local React application, nothing visual has changed, but you add a lot of type-safety to the application. This is best demonstrated by adding a new field to the getLatestProducts, namely the name of the products' category:

// src/config.tsx
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';

export const GET_LATEST_PRODUCTS = gql`
query getLatestProducts($keyword: String) {
products(first: 5, filter: { search: $keyword }) {
edges {
node {
category {

The name of the category is nested within the category object, and to display it in your React application you need to make a couple of small changes to the Product component:

// src/Products.tsx

// ...

return (
{latestProducts?.length > 0 &&{ node: { id, name, description, category } }) => (
<div key={id}>

return null;

export default Products;

However, your React application won’t be able to compile anymore as these fields aren’t typed yet. Previously you were able to add these types manually when new fields were added to the query, but with GraphQL Code Generator you can just run the generate script again and the types will automatically be added.

Styling with Bootstrap

So far you’ve been building a React application that is rendering products using the Saleor GraphQL API and GraphQL Code Generator. The final step is making it look pretty, by adding some styling. As there are many ways to add styling to a React application, for which Bootstrap will be added. Opposed to writing CSS yourself, you can install and configure Bootstrap with two lines of code and add styling in a declarative way. The first line is to install it from npm using:

yarn add bootstrap@next

And a second line of code to add Bootstrap to the application, by importing the main CSS file into src/index.ts:

// src/index.ts
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client';
import { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/client';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
import App from './App';

const client = new ApolloClient({
// ...

You can now add styling from Bootstrap in a declarative way, by adding a className to the HTML elements in the application. Starting in src/App.tsx:

// src/App.tsx

// ...

function App() {
const [keyword, setKeyword] = useState('');

return (
<div className='container'>
<div className='row'>
<header className='navbar navbar-light bg-light'>
<div className='container-fluid'>
<h1 className='navbar-brand'>Saleor React Application</h1>
<div className='row'>
<SearchBar setKeyword={setKeyword} />
<div className='row'>
<Products keyword={keyword} />

export default App;

In the App component classes have been added to the existing HTML elements for the header, while also div elements have been added to wrap the components that are returned such as the SearchBar and Products components.

Following this, you can make the following changes to the SearchBar component to add Bootstraps' styling for forms and input fields to this component:

// src/SearchBar.tsx

// ...

return (
<form className='row g-3' onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<div className='col-auto'>
<label htmlFor='search' className='col-sm-2 col-form-label'>
<div className='col-auto'>
onChange={(e) => setValue(e.currentTarget.value)}
<div className='col-auto'>
<button type='submit' className='btn btn-primary mb-3'>

export default SearchBar;

Finally, the Products component should also be styled by adding the following classes to the div elements in src/Products.tsx. These classes will style the products that are retrieved from the Saleor API as a card component from Bootstrap:

// src/Products.tsx

// ...

return (
<div className='d-grid gap-3'>
{latestProducts?.length > 0 &&
({ node: { id, name, description, category } }) => (
<div key={id} className='card'>
<div className='card-body'>
<h3 className='card-title'>{name}</h3>
<p className='card-subtitle'>{category?.name}</p>

return null;

export default Products;

With these last additions, the React application you built has basic styling applied using Bootstrap. For this, you only had to add Bootstrap to the projects, after which you could declaratively add the styling using classes.


In this tutorial, you’ve created a basic type-safe React application with TypeScript that uses the Saleor GraphQL API. With this API you can create e-commerce applications quickly, and add important features like filtering and sorting. Please check out the documentation on the Saleor website to learn more about the API and start building your application on top of it.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach us on Twitter or GitHub Discussions.



Roy Derks (@gethackteam)

Roy is an entrepreneur, speaker and author from The Netherlands. Most recently he wrote the books Fullstack GraphQL and React Projects.